
Catherine Moore: Senior '12

Catherine Moore:


Catherine is one outstanding girl. She is so creative and artistic! I have had the privlage to grow up with her over the past few years. She has an outspoken mind and isn't afriad to speak her mind. -This in itself makes her soo outstanding. Literally. She is passionate about everything she does. Her art work is pretty increadable too. I'm really thrilled to have her in my life. 
Anyhow this shoot with her couldn't have been anymore perfect! At all. It had been raining all day and we honestly didn't think it was going to work out or look good; AT ALL. But to our surprise no sun was a perfect setting to capture her personality! I couldn't have got a better model for this date! I'm super thrilled to how they ended up turning out. I hope you all enjoy them too! 
Also this girl laughs, soo much! So with that being said we had a blast during this shoot... and got a little dirty because of the wet and muddy ground. But hey it was fun! Love you! 

"Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead."
Louisa May Alcott


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